
Fucking Blogger...

And when I say "blogger" here, I mean Blogger, the service.  Because it's being a royal pain in the ass while I'm trying to install my Analytics tracker code.  For the love of fuck, Blogger, you and Analytics are both children of the almighty Google.  Why can't you play nice?  Or failing that, why do you have to take your sibling rivalries out on MY goddamn blog?

Short version: while I directly inserted the tracker code into the "edit HTML" bit of the layout editor on Witch.Words and it works fine, when I tried to do so for Jade Haven, the text editor kept inexplicably replacing all "'s with "'s, which of course fucked up the tracker code and stopped it functioning.  I tried a couple different placements, couldn't get it to work, finally said fine, fuck you too, and added a widget with it at the bottom of the page.  Whatever.  Analytics now sees this blog, and can start aggregating data, and that's all I really wanted, just...urgh. 

Yes, I'm totally the kind of narcissist who tracks hits to her personal blog.  Shut up.